RIP Sierra On-Line

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RIP Sierra On-Line

Beitrag von Goron » 25. Aug 2004, 09:36

Al Lowe's CyberJoke 3000â„¢ hat geschrieben: In case you haven't heard by now, last Friday was the final day for VU Games' Sierra office. They finally locked the doors and turned off the lights. While a few employees relocated to VU's L.A. office, the rest were laid off. Future titles will be labeled VU Games. Sad, isn't it? One of the first home computer software companies (notice I didn't say "PC games" because it actually pre-dated the IBM PC by several years!), the company that invented the graphical adventure game, now is nothing more than a memory. RIP Sierra. It was great while it lasted!
CyberJoke 3000â„¢ ist ein täglich erscheinender E-Mail-"Newsletter" mit Witzen von Al Lowe, dem Schöpfer von Leisure Suit Larry, an den sich manche sicher noch erinnern. Die Witze denkt der sich aber natürlich nicht alle selber aus, und manche davon sind auch ziemlich mies - das nur als Warnung! :wink:

Ein Beispiel von heute:
Al Lowe's CyberJoke 3000â„¢ hat geschrieben:Why golf is better than sex: If you are having trouble with golf, it is perfectly acceptable to pay a professional to show you how to improve your technique. A below par performance is considered good. There's no such thing as a golf transmitted disease. Your partner won't ask about previous partners. You can stop in the middle and have a cheeseburger and a couple of beers. It's much easier to find the sweet spot. Foursomes are encouraged. If your regular partner isn't available, they won't object you golfing with someone else. You can still make money doing it as a senior. There's no need to wonder your golf pro is really an undercover cop. If you video yourself golfing, you don't have to worry about it showing up on the internet when you become famous. Three times a day is possible. Playing with a total stranger is acceptable to all. Your partner doesn't hire a lawyer if you do it with someone else. If you live in arizona, you can do it every day. No one worries about going blind from golfing by himself. Nobody expects you to golf with the same partner for the rest of your life. Nobody expects you to give up golf if your partner loses interest. You can hang a golf calendar on your office wall, tell golf jokes, and even invite coworkers to golf with you and not get sued. When you see a great golfer, you don't feel guilty if you imagine you two golfing together. You don't have to cuddle with your partner when you're finished. If your equipment gets old and rusty, you can replace it. And, last but not least: your golf partner will never say, "what? We just golfed last week! Is that all you ever think about?"
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